Alphonso, also known as “King of Fruits” have a rich, creamy, tender texture and delicate, non-fibrous, juicy pulp. The skin of a fully ripe Alphonso mango turns bright golden-yellow with a tinge of red which spreads across the top of the fruit. The flesh of the fruit is saffron-colored. These characteristics make Alphonso a favored cultivar.
Testing to see if your Alphonso mangoes are ripe:
1. Gently apply pressure on the mango, a ripe Alphonso is soft.
2. A sweet, fruity aroma fills the air; ripened Alphonso gives out a unique scent.
3. Alphonso mangoes turn golden yellow when they’re ripe.
4. If mangoes turn wrinkly, they usually mean that they’ve become overripe.
Additional instructions:
Remove mangoes from the box; store them in a dry place at room temperature.
Put the ripened mangoes in water half an hour before consumption.
If mangoes start turning black at the top centre area, cut them immediately.
Don’t wait for the mangoes to turn completely golden yellow; some natural mangoes ripen even before. Do a touch test to be sure.